csharp 数据录入工具 Dec 28, 2012 做了一个windows的数据库录入小工具,尝试了下使用C#来写程序 C#的控件绑定数据源很好用 private SQLiteConnection conn = null; public SQLiteDataAdapter dao; public DataSet ds; public SQLiteCommand command; public SQLiteCommandBuilder sqlitecmdBuilder; public void query(String namekey, String tablename, String address_limit) { String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tablename + " where namec like '%" + namekey + "%'"+ address_limit + " limit 0,100;"; try { conn = new SQLiteConnection(ConnStr); conn.Open(); dao = new SQLiteDataAdapter(sql, conn); ds = new DataSet(); dao.Fill(ds, tablename); sqlitecmdBuilder = new SQLiteCommandBuilder(dao); dao.UpdateCommand = sqlitecmdBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(); dao.DeleteCommand = sqlitecmdBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { } finally { } } private void button_query_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String address_limit = ""; if (this.checkBox_address1.Checked) { address_limit += " and address1 like '%" + textBox_address1.Text + "%'"; } if (this.checkBox_address2.Checked) { address_limit += " and address2 like '%" + textBox_address2.Text + "%'"; } if (this.checkBox_address3.Checked) { address_limit += " and address3 like '%" + textBox_address3.Text + "%'"; } sv.query(this.textBox_key.Text, this.textBox_dbname.Text,address_limit); this.dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = true; if (sv.ds != null) { this.dataGridView1.DataSource = sv.ds.Tables[0]; } else { MessageBox.Show("请检查数据库名和表名称是否正确"); } } 短短几行完成了界面更新数据库 怪不得c#被成为最优雅的语言 point.rar